Polyester Thermal Insulation Batts

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Higgins Polyester is a trusted and Australian wide respected insulation brand manufactured in Brisbane. The polyester used in Higgins insulation products has non-allergenic properties and is safe for asthma sufferers. Polyester is the only fibrous insulation approved by Asthma Foundations Australia for unrestricted use in low allergen or asthma friendly buildings.
See ‘Specifications’ below for a full list of R rating options available.

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Material R-value (m²K/W) Nominal thickness (mm)
R1.5 75
R2.0 90
R2.5 90
R2.0 110
R2.5 130
R3.0 145
R3.5 150
  • Up to 85% Recycled polyester fibre
  • No Harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
  • Does not contain Formaldehyde
  • Does not contain Phenol
  • Does not contain Ammonia
  • Zero ODP (ozone depleting potential)
  • Zero Chlorides (non-corrosive)
  • Durability (will not subside or crumble overtime)
  • 100% recyclable product
  • Reusable
  • Non irritant
  • No Protective equipment required when installing